Wednesday, February 8, 2023

日健上CBC廣播電台了!Yet Keen is on CBC Radio!

由渥太華藝術館主辦,日健高齡康樂中心協辦的“創意聚日健”社區工作坊吸引了CBC Radio電台的注意。部分日健會員有幸接受了CBC Radio電台的訪問,請點擊下方鏈接收聽採訪片段。日健會員畫作展覽也將於2023年2月25日至3月19日在渥太華藝術館展出,邀請大家屆時前往觀展。

CBC radio interviewed a few Yet Keen members who participated in the "Keen & Creative" community art workshop. Thanks to the Ottawa Art Gallery, a collection of art works created by Yet Keen members will be displayed there from Feb 25 to Mar 19, 2023. A sneak peek at the soon-to-happen amazing exhibition. 

Please click the link below to listen to the interview clip:
(点击後按 "Play Segment" 三角形键)

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