1月25日 日健會員歡聚渥太華全聚德餐廳 喜迎新春佳節
Yet Keen Lunar New Year Lunch Celebration at Peking Duck Restaurant
I was so happy to be able to celebrate the Lunar New Year in-person again with my fellow Yet Keen seniors, staff and invited guests. And a big THAN-YOU to the hard-working organizers who made the event such a great success !!!!~PK
Wish I were there! Thank you Yet Keen for holding this great event!
I was so happy to be able to celebrate the Lunar New Year in-person again with my fellow Yet Keen seniors, staff and invited guests. And a big THAN-YOU to the hard-working organizers who made the event such a great success !!!!
Wish I were there! Thank you Yet Keen for holding this great event!